Sunday, September 18, 2011

On Being Yourself

I believe Parfait Doll did a post somewhat similar to this theme (that is, being yourself online), but this post is really meant to be more about my own experience. That being said, the Parfait Doll article had some nice points on how to be yourself online, but a couple I didn't entirely agree with. For example, using your real name? Might be okay for some people, myself included, but it's entirely understandable for people who wish to stay under an alias, and they're certainly not always just hiding! The internet isn't as full as pedophiles and stalkers as the internet seminars some of us were forced to attend in 4th grade might make it seem, but there are some sketchy people out there! Moving on...
Some of you may have noticed that my speaking pattern has changed a little bit since I decided this would be a more personal blog, and honestly that is somewhat intentional. Before, when I was trying to write articles for other people, somehow it got through my head that people wanted to hear from a sweeter, kinder person than me. Now, in real life I consider myself polite and generally nice to people, and online my typing pattern can be rather formal anyhow (though I exaggerated that oftentimes on this blog as well), but really there was a big part of myself I wasn't letting myself show on my blog, and that was my humour.
Sometimes, when typing an article out, I'd write in little quips, only to quickly delete them. At one point I just decided that I shouldn't try to be funny on a ~professional~ blog, and that people might not enjoy that. Oh God how wrong I was. I've been reading more blogs lately, and I've found that the ones I stick with most often are the ones with authors that actually have a personality. I love pretty pictures as much as the next person, but somehow I like to know the personality behind the pictures. If there is none, that's kind of lame.
Believe it or not, I'm kind of a class clown. I'm not one of those people who interrupts classes all the time or is an ass to people, but I do joke around a lot when it's appropriate and trust me, I make fun of myself plenty. I really feel like a lot of Lolitas might have a bit of a clown in them-- it's hard to take even yourself seriously when you're wearing a dress full of cupcakes and rainbows.
So, in the future I hope to actually let my personality shine through. I'm not going to subject you guys to my ~randomness~, but I cringe just as much as most of you when I read blogs like that, but I'm not going to erase little quips I make anymore and maybe if I have some funny stories I'll tell them to you guys :) (I tend to have a lot of them... my English teacher would actually get worried last year if I didn't come in with an interesting fact or funny story to tell ^^; )
Finally, I found this gif on Tumblr, though to be honest I'm not entirely sure from where D:
I'll let you guys know where I found it if I can find the source because this is like my new favourite gif! I love gifs that have huge landscapes or scenes even more than tiny cute pixel gifs :D
Thanks for reading!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Style update- Sugar hime!!

Since this outfit uses a lot of the same pieces as my sugar rock outfit (okay, so maybe just like two :P) but has a significantly more hime feel to it, I decided to call it Sugar Hime!

Jsk/bow: DoL (AP replica)
Tights/necklace/flats: Offbrand
Cardigan: Forever 21
Wig: Cosplaywigsusa
First of all, UGH, horrid picture quality is horrible >.< I promise that soon enough I will get a new camera and then I will be able to take outfit shots so high quality you'll feel like your eyeballs just exploded! (not really, but you'll actually be able to see what I'm wearing)
Second of all, I'm TOTALLY in love with this wig I got from Cosplaywigsusa!! It's SO soft and such a nice colour (though admittedly I feel like I'd look a lot better in it personally when I get my "winter tan" back; aka pale as the snow on the ground), and I'm finding the falls to be very versatile already :P (In addition to being pigtails, I've arranged them into a hime style as seen here and plan to make them into horse tails for my unicorn costume on Halloween!). I especially love how big it is; when I wear it I actually look kind of petite <3 (as usual the effect can't really be seen in the pic though >.> ) The only complaint I have is how the bangs are so thin; I'm actually going to have to get a pink wig cap since the nude-colour mesh one I have right now shows right through >.>
Because I have a butt-ton of stuff going on school and work-wise, I probably won't have time to do stuff/dress up and, ergo, not enough material to write about here. I MIGHT start putting up some short stories here (but don't worry; I'll try to keep those to a minimum so as not to bore those of you who read blogs for pictures :P ), but other than that if there's any content for the next month or so it's going to be pretty dry. A couple weeks around Halloween and after Thanksgiving, though, I should be done applying to colleges and have more time to write things, and after that senior activities start going down so expect a bunch of prom-related posts!! <3 (I've already dreamt up several prom looks!)
Thanks for reading!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Face lift!!

Some of you may have noticed the recent changes to my blog. The name change, the profile/pic change, the layout change... it's all very different from before. That is because I've finally come to terms with the fact that I will never have a large readership and I will never be ~e-famous~ (whatever that could even mean).
Don't get me wrong, I love writing for other people, however I do that ALL the time at school. Nowadays especially with recreational writing I want more and more to write for myself. I'm not going to lie, when I started this blog, I hoped to gain a large readership and get my opinions out there, and yes, I was kind of hoping that with that there was the possibility of "e-fame."
I don't want any of that anymore. I want something that I can enjoy writing, that I can vent on if I feel like it, and maybe, should people actually find me interesting, they can follow me. I don't want the large readership anymore; I'm fine with whatever the number may be.
The name change is probably the most significant of all changes. I got rid of the "ritzy" part because I've strayed away from more classical styles (no matter how much I admire them from afar) because it sounds so old-fashioned, and I've done away with the "feminist" part because, while I am still a riveting feminist and do enjoy sharing my opinions, I don't want to feel obligated to do so unless I really want to. Besides, I hardly wrote any feminist-related things before. I've changed the name to "Unicorns and Sparkles" for no significant reason other than that I love unicorns and I love sparkles.
 With these changes, I hope to give myself the freedom to write more about myself, and my life, effectively making this more of an online journal than an "informative" blog. Don't worry though; my life isn't entirely dull, especially now that I actually have money to do things. Unfortunately, pictures will be lacking until I get a decent camera. Me being myself, though, I do have a lot of opinions, so most likely not everything will be a personal post! I'll keep the angry teenage rants off this blog, though :P
Well, that's the reason for the changes. Nothing too major, considering I wasn't doing too many posts beforehand anyhow (I'm legitimately busy right now, I swear! I'm actually cashiering and being a productive citizen in addition to school and college searching!), so there probably won't be too much of a difference other than that I'm trying to make everything cuter. Thanks for reading!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pastel Rain Drops giveaway!!

So I recently ("recently" being about ten minutes ago :P ) found out about an awesome blog through the lovely Serepuff of Millions of Bows, called Pastel Rain Drops! I've read through a few posts, and it's super awesome! I can't believe I didn't find out about it before, especially since I've been looking for more fairy-kei blogs to read lately ^^;
I found this blog at the right time, though, as there is a giveaway going on at the moment! I'll just leave you guys with a picture of the awesome prizes up for grabs and say that you definitely should check out the blog, because it's pretty sweet, especially for fairy-kei enthusiasts such as myself :P
Thanks for reading!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


SO sorry about not posting for forever... I FINALLY got a job and started school recently, so I've been pressed for time to do anything on the internet, let alone write a blog post! Now that I have a job though (in case you're wondering, I'm a cashier... nothing too exciting xD ) I can afford the more ridiculous things on my wish list... like cat tights and ridiculous bows :P
Anyhow, I have a tendency to obsess over certain characters, which change every season or so. When I'm obsessing over this character, I'll buy products with them all over it, jewelry that reminds me of them, or maybe even change my blog layout to match my current obsession. Last spring, it was Mickey Mouse. After that, it was My Little Pony. I've had an ongoing unicorn obsession for a while, which doesn't technically count as character obsession but still.
Recently, I've been totally into...
I loved loved LOVED Barbie as a kid. I had a TON of dolls of not just Barbie herself, but all her friends. I remember asking the mall Santas for Barbies EVERY year (did anybody else have parents who made them do that? xD ), despite the fact that I was terrified of those guys as a child... but I braved it anyways to increase my chances of getting a Barbie.
When I fell into my "tomboy" phase, I regrettably threw away all my Barbie merchandise, which I'm pretty depressed about after seeing all the cool Barbie body parts jewelry on Etsy. I think almost every girl went through at least one "Barbie phase," whether they like to admit it or not :P
Recently, with the 80s revivalist movement that's been going on, I've been seeing more vintage-y Barbie items going around. T-shirts with the old-school logo on them, bling with the logo, cameos rings and necklaces with a vintage-style Barbie adorning the frame... Maybe it's been going on for a while and I just haven't noticed it, but for whatever the reason, Barbie seems to be gaining popularity once again!!
It's not just on alternative sites like Etsy or all those "kawaii' jewelry shops either; I've seen these items circulating around Hot Topic and even department stores like Kohls! Here's a list of Barbie-related items, both online and offline, that I've been loving recently:
I got this dream from Pretty Pop Designs a while ago, and I love it!! Unfortunately, it looks like Pretty Pop has closed down, but hopefully they'll re-open again someday!

These hoops and the tee are both from Hot Topic. While I don't really care for the colour of the tee, I just LOVE the image on it!! The hoops are adorable, and they also had a ton of other bling-tastic jewelry featuring the same logo (a couple of necklaces and a few rings, specifically). The only problem here is the price, especially for the quality you get. Personally, I'm going to wait until this fabulous stuff is on sale to snatch it up!
There's a multitude of cameo necklaces like this going around Etsy, but I think this one is my favorite... if only for that super cute dress Barbie is wearing in the picture!!
Like all trends, this Barbie trend might be short-lived, but nonetheless I'm loving it right now!! So, all you Barbie lovers out there stock up on merchandise now, while our favorite blonde is still popular :)