A little after Christmas, I finally took the plunge and dyed my hair pink:
Despite endless warnings from my mother in particular (she just really, really didn't want me to dye my hair at all), I'm pretty happy with the colour (though I might try something lighter next time; it's a bit too bright for my taste) and my hair isn't completely dead like so many people said it would be; although I won't deny that it has been damaged to some degree. I used special effects cupcake pink. Supposedly, that brand is supposed to glow under a black light, so hopefully I'll get to try that soon! 

I also have to wear a wig to work now. For that, I use an amazing auburn wig from Cosplay Wigs USA, a company that I swear by for wigs! So far, nobody has been able to tell that it's a wig, despite the fact that it's much longer than my normal hair. That's probably a good thing, considering the whole point of wearing a wig is to make it look like my hair is natural. When I first got my wig I was cam-whoring around with it for a little, as I am prone to do with all of my new wigs, and ended up with this shot, which I like quite a lot:
Besides the money necessary to dye my hair, my family and friends were so generous and good to me this holiday season, especially given the tough economic times! I've always been bad at expressing gratitude when I receive something, but really this time I can't even come close to expressing how grateful I am to everyone.
Sorry my room's such a mess in this pic; I was still in the process of doing my post-Christmas clean-up >.>
And don't worry; that gun isn't real. That's an airsoft gun :P (which will hopefully help with my new year's resolution of being less of a shut-in an going outside more lol)
My biggest present isn't pictured, because I was using it to take this pic! My lovely parental units gave me an amazing new camera, AND it's pink! Expect more outfit shots and such in the future, now that I won't have to struggle with my other camera (which isn't even meant for taking pictures anyway) anymore~ 

For some reason I REALLY like playing around with the focus on this thing. I've just always thought that it looks so cool... I promise you though, I'll try to limit the amount of experimental shots I throw at you though :P
I hope you all had a lovely holiday and a great new year! I know I did! For me at least, 2012 is going to be a big year- big school trips, prom, college... I'm looking forward to all of it!
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