Wednesday, November 9, 2011

So I'm a bit of a narcissist~

Lately, I've been on "pause" mode a bit, style-wise. Sure, I've gotten some new clothes here and there, however mostly just casual clothes. Between my job, volunteer work, after school activities and school itself I haven't had much time to scour the egl comm sales in search of the cheapest jumperskirt, or to finally figure out how to use that confangled Mbok thing.
However, what I have been doing this year that's bee highly beneficial appearance-wise is getting up early, giving me more time to do my makeup. Last year I only wore it now and then, but this year I've worn it pretty much every day- I've actually gotten pretty decent at applying it!
With my recent makeup fascination, I've often tried to take more detailed makeup shots, but I just can't accept the fact that my camera is awful and will never be good at that sort of thing so I always end up with like 100 grainy photos of my right eye and a few "vanity shots," if you will. The result is that if you look at picture folder I will look like the biggest narcissist ever due to having 100+ of these sorts of shots of myself, and I regret nothing.
Because secretly I actually am a narcissist, here's a few of my favourite shots of myself~
 This was the first time I wore circle lenses in a "casual" (ie not a costume) outfit. I thought the makeup looked almost gal, except without the contouring and falsies (so maybe not at all really) :P
 My unicorn costume for Halloween! I could NOT get a decent shot with my horn in it, unfortunately >.> It's too bad too; I love that horn!
 I don't even know what I was trying to accomplish with this shot, but I kind of like it either way.
 For a while, this was my default pic EVERYWHERE. I still kind of like it; I usually suck horribly at taking profile pics of myself (I always try to take some so I can make one of those Victorian silhouette pictures but it always comes out horribly and ends in frustration, especially when I resign myself to asking a family member and they think it's the most hilarious thing ever that I'm not smiling for the picture)
For some reason I don't have a text-free version of this picture on my PC, so here's my crappy Gaia-banner version, complete with advertisements for this blog that's brought in a grand total of maybe seven visitors.

ALSO, I changed the name of this blog AGAIN. This time, it's Unicorn Doll, for reasons that I'll hopefully get to discuss in the next post I have planned (don't get too excited; it's nothing that interesting). I didn't change the address this time though, since the old address still had something to do with unicorns and it'd be a pain in the butt to have to go to all the places I have links to my "personal site" on and change everything.
So, that's really about it... a horribly lackluster post, I know. I just wanted something so I don't end up like the last couple of months and only post like one thing per month >.>
That was pretty bad.

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