Hello! I realize it's a bit late, but because I haven't posted in a while, here's a short list of things that I'm thankful, both the little and the small <3 Bear with me if this gets a bit cheesy here; but this is a Thanksgiving post so I'm allowed to get cheesy :P
1.) My dogs
Jesus Christ I just love these guys so much. Both my parents work (as many parents do nowadays; entirely necessary in this tight economy!) but it's just the best feeling to have these two dogs greet you super-enthusiastically like your coming home is the absolute best thing in the world.
2.) The health of myself and my family
I'm not going to lie, I'm terrified of hospitals (though hopefully I'll be able to get over that somewhat when I donate blood this Friday; I entirely expect to pass out :P ). It's a bit selfish, but I'm SO happy I don't have to spend a whole lot of time in them, for myself or others. That's not to say I wouldn't if I had to- but it's best to not have to at all, isn't it?
3.) The prosperity of my entire family
I realize many have been hit hard by this difficult economy, and I just feel so lucky that my family hasn't been hit too hard by the recent hardships. Both my parents have kept their jobs, and the worst that has happened at my school so far was that the home economics program was cut- hardly necessary, compared to the foreign language classes that many schools have been losing lately!
4.) Just how lovely the area I live in is
I told you this would get cheesy :P
I live in a totally white New England suburb, and while I do find many things to bitch about (the hick-like feel to some parts of town, the fact that there seems to be free winters then summer), I am really lucky to live in such a nice area. I can walk around during the day by myself without worrying about getting hurt, and there's not smog in the air all over the place. While I can't wait to move into NYC (which I actually had the chance to visit lately- I might just go to Hunter College!), for now this area can be quite beautiful.
5.) Fooooood
I really like food. I think there's like five pies in my fridge right now left over from Thanksgiving, and I am extremely thankful for that.
That's about it for now! Sorry about the lack of style updates lately- I have worn a couple of outfits lately, but my camera has been going lately so unfortunately all pictures have been deleted ;-; (it's too bad- I wanted to share some shots of NYC with you guys!). Fortunately, I've been talking to my parents and I might just get a new camera for Christmas!
Speaking of which, I'm really looking forward to this season... now that I have a job, I can finally afford nicer presents! Just this afternoon, I took advantage of some deals and got my dad a nice present, along with some super-rad My Little Pony wrapping paper! I might even participate in one of those Toys for Tots drives places have every year, even if all I end up being able to do is donate my time.
Hope you all enjoy the upcoming holiday season as much as I do! <3