Thursday, March 29, 2012

Style update- Retro Dolly★

I actually wore this a while ago, for the Kawaii.i contest (I really wish I'd picked an outfit later because I could have done better but I was mistakenly under the impression that this was a voting contest so I rushed >.> ). I also kind of recycled this same outfit for a fashion show in Salem recently (hey, it's the only retro-esque coord I have suitable to warmer to cool weather and since this fashion show focused on the retro I thought it'd be appropriate :P), so it's still relevant. Even if I didn't get any pictures of the event because my camera died >.>

Dress: Handmade
Bow/Cardigan: Forever 21
Shoes/Belt/glasses: Offbrand
Necklace: Imyourpresent on Etsy
For some reason, Blogger REALLY doesn't like my pictures being right-side up, so here's another sideways shot. I swear to God I'll fix that soon. Someday.
Anyhow, for some reason the cardigan makes me look infinitely bigger in pictures than in real life. I swear it's not that bulky in real life... I just tend to look awful in photographs lately...
For this outfit, I was obviously going for a more retro look. I've also been a big fan of black/white/pink lately, so I wanted to do that. Since it was so warm when I wore this (80 in New England in MARCH?!), I decided to go without tights and use an updo. It was very comfortable given the weather :) I hope it gets nice again soon...
That's pretty much it for now. I've STILL been busy with scholarships and physics (which, despite the fact that it's a low-level class and I put five times more effort into it than I do my honors and AP classes which I do get A's in, I can't seem to get anything higher than a low C in). Next week should be better, though; I'm almost done with scholarships, teachers will probably let up on homework since the quarter ends this week so they won't have to scurry to finish anything, and best of all, Anime Boston is that Friday and Saturday! I'm cosplaying as SeeU and Pinkie Pie in Lolita! My SeeU costume shipped today, and I am going to buy the buttons to alter my cardigan for my PP outfit tomorrow. I'm so excited!
So, hopefully I'll be able to be a bit more active soon. That's it for now! Ciao!

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