Some of you may have noticed the recent changes to my blog. The name change, the profile/pic change, the layout change... it's all very different from before. That is because I've finally come to terms with the fact that I will never have a large readership and I will never be ~e-famous~ (whatever that could even mean).
Don't get me wrong, I love writing for other people, however I do that ALL the time at school. Nowadays especially with recreational writing I want more and more to write for myself. I'm not going to lie, when I started this blog, I hoped to gain a large readership and get my opinions out there, and yes, I was kind of hoping that with that there was the possibility of "e-fame."
I don't want any of that anymore. I want something that I can enjoy writing, that I can vent on if I feel like it, and maybe, should people actually find me interesting, they can follow me. I don't want the large readership anymore; I'm fine with whatever the number may be.
The name change is probably the most significant of all changes. I got rid of the "ritzy" part because I've strayed away from more classical styles (no matter how much I admire them from afar) because it sounds so old-fashioned, and I've done away with the "feminist" part because, while I am still a riveting feminist and do enjoy sharing my opinions, I don't want to feel obligated to do so unless I really want to. Besides, I hardly wrote any feminist-related things before. I've changed the name to "Unicorns and Sparkles" for no significant reason other than that I love unicorns and I love sparkles.
With these changes, I hope to give myself the freedom to write more about myself, and my life, effectively making this more of an online journal than an "informative" blog. Don't worry though; my life isn't entirely dull, especially now that I actually have money to do things. Unfortunately, pictures will be lacking until I get a decent camera. Me being myself, though, I do have a lot of opinions, so most likely not everything will be a personal post! I'll keep the angry teenage rants off this blog, though :P
Well, that's the reason for the changes. Nothing too major, considering I wasn't doing too many posts beforehand anyhow (I'm legitimately busy right now, I swear! I'm actually cashiering and being a productive citizen in addition to school and college searching!), so there probably won't be too much of a difference other than that I'm trying to make everything cuter. Thanks for reading!!
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