Monday, April 25, 2011

Poupee Girl

Some of you may have heard of the infamous Poupee Girl. For those of you not in the know, Poupee Girl is a Japanese site where you get an adorable avatar to dress up. You can get new items for your avatar by posting pictures of your clothes, commenting on other people's items to get "ribbons" (the currency in Poupee Girl) and dressing up your avatar every day. The site is very popular with Lolitas and the j-fashion scene in particular because there are lots of Lolita clothes in addition to normal clothes. In fact, I've seen people rock all styles of Poupee- steampunk, Fairy-kei, mori girl, all types of Lolita- there's hardly a limit to what style you can dress on Poupee.

Another reason many Lolitas use Poupee is the clothes-posting feature I mentioned earlier. Who doesn't want to be complimented on the cute things they buy? And bonus, you get in-game money for it, and everybody's doing it so you don't feel like a show-off for saying "hey, look at this cute new pink umbrella I got the other day!" I've found that in Poupee Girl, alternative clothes, especially Lolita clothes, are the ones that tend to get the most compliments/hits.

I've had a Poupee Girl account for a while, but just recently I've re-joined and started actively posting once again. When I first joined, I didn't have a lot of cute clothes to post (or at least clothes I wouldn't be totally ashamed to post- who goes on Poupee Girl to see old, baggy, paint-splattered work t-shirts?!), but since then I've been far more actively working on my wardrobe (make-up arsenal/techniques, coordination skills, etc.), so I felt now was a far more appropriate time to join!! Of course, not everything I post is SUPER cute (I'm still a poor high school student and my closet is filled with mildly cute, albeit mediocre things), but at least I'm no longer sitting in front of my drawer saying to myself "Holy crap, that thing's ugly... but I really need the ribbons! Before the blouse sells out!!"

Overall, I'd say that if you're into fashion and would like to show off your arsenal of cute clothes, definitely join Poupee Girl!! It's a fun, cute website that, while it may not be for everyone (I know I'm having a rather hard time getting started, and it is a bit discouraging to see all these super well-dressed veterans while I'm still stuck in my n00b rags!), is definitely a fun thing to do in your spare time!! :)

BTW, although this goes for any post, I feel that for this post in particular it should be said (as these are individual's avatars I'm showing here):
I've found all these pictures across various places of the internet, and it's very difficult for me to trace the source. If anybody could tell me where these pictures come from, or if you would like a picture taken down, please don't hesitate to ask! I don't own any of the images and I always feel super guilty using them without credit, so if there's any info at all I want to know!! :)

I totally forgot to add, if you should feel compelled to join Poupee Girl, it'd be awesome if you could say I (MintSD) referred you. I could use the ribbons ;)

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