Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Anime Boston

Please forgive the very personal nature of this post if you're not into that, but I'm very excited and wanted to talk about it here!! :D
I've recently decided that this year I'll be going to my area's biggest anime convention, Anime Boston. I wasn't planning on going originally this year, as my interest in anime is moderate at best and I would like to save for more clothes, but then I remembered next year when the con rolls around I'll be in Florida and with any luck the year after I'll be in New York (which, granted, isn't too far away but I'll also be busy with college). So, I've decided to go this year!!
It's safe to say this is the most excited I've ever been about a convention (though I have only been to three previous years :P). At first I was like, "Oh yeah, I'll just go to the manga library and chill, and check out the dealer's room like I do every year. No biggie." Then I found out that not only is there a Lolita fashion panel this year, there is also going to be a meetup and a fashion show (which I sort of considered participating in, but then I realized that the outfit I plan to wear is going to break a lot of traditional rules, but more on that in a moment)!! Also, if that weren't exciting enough, one of my favorite bloggers (Ms. Caro of F Yeah Lolita!) is going to be running a table in the artist's alley!! I simply adore her bonnets and am definitely going to be purchasing one while I'm there if she has a simple style I like!
So... yes. My outfit. Honestly, cons are the best time to break the "rules" in my opinion. I know it sounds rather mean, but there are plenty of people at conventions "doing it wrong," so if you break a couple of traditional rules and it ends up looking not-so-hot, people are less likely to notice. Yeah, that's a terrible thing to say, but anyhow!!
I finally decided this year I'm brave enough to try some bastardized form of sweet punk Lolita!! I've also been thinking of trying some lighter gal makeup, but to be honest my eyes look really weird with traditional gal makeup due to the fact that I don't yet own circle lenses and my eyes aren't big enough on their own so probably not.
This outfit will include:
A bowtie
Black/white striped tights
Pink Doc Marten knock-offs
A wig (which wouldn't normally be rule-breaking obviously but I'm ordering it from Bodyline so God knows how the quality is).
I guess these aren't all INCREDIBLY bad, though I'm mostly worried about the stockings. Most outfits I've seen with striped stockings have been a bit... meh, so I guess I can just hope I don't end up looking like a hot mess!! I'll also be wearing my Merry Sweet Castle replica so... I just hope I don't run into anybody who hates replicas. :P
So, hopefully I don't end up looking like a hot mess! If I'm anywhere between "meh" and "sweeeet" I'll definitely post pictures when I can get my outfit together!! If you're going to AB, I hope to see you there!

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