So anyhow, I've decided to completely change the direction of this blog around. Firstly, I'd like to change it from a feminism/Lolita fashion blog to a feminism (that's going to stick around no matter what!! LOL)/general fashion blog. Since most of the fashions I love come from Japan, there will obviously be a heavy slant toward J-Fashion but it will not JUST be Lolita for reasons that tie in with the next change.
The next major change I'll be doing is that this blog will take a MUCH more personal slant and become my sort-of style diary!! I don't think I'm going to do outfit posts everyday, since I go to high school and hardly ever have the energy to get dolled up at 6 AM (I envy those college kids who don't have to get up until 8 or 9!! That may be early to you but for me that's sleeping in!!), so I'll just do the outfits I actually try on. Going back to the change in fashion slant, part of the reason this blog is no longer going to focus strictly on lolita fashion is because my tastes in fashion are very fickle (One day I'm in LOVE with hime-gal, the next I SO want to try something mori-like, and so on), so I don't want to feel confined to one fashion, though most outfits will probably have a heavy Lolita slant (frills are always beautiful!!). Another reason the fashion focus will change is because, quite honestly, I can't afford Lolita. I have a couple of dresses and skirts, but I don't have nearly enough to wear full-blown "correct" Lolita everyday. Besides, I want a style diary of things I wear in everyday life so I can keep track of my style in general, not just for Lolita. I also usually only wear Lolita on the weekends, when I have time to style up, but for me part of a person's "style" is their consistency. Part of the challenge in keeping up one's style is being able to get up at early times and get ready, which I know I've been getting better at (today I had time to curl my hair!!). Of course, I will have "slob" days in which I won't want to get ready or only half-heartedly dawn some khakis and a blouse, and again I can't afford clothes so at times I am forced to recycle outfits (especially since I lost weight and can't fit into so many things I own!!).
If you don't enjoy personal blogs, I'm sorry, but there's a ton of other Lolita fashion blogs out there without the personal slant (another reason I'm changing the direction- there's only so much to be said about the fashion!! The whole "diary" aspect will definitely give me more things to post about), and I may still post some non-personal articles now and again.
For those of you who read all this, thank you!! I'll have my first style post up in a couple of minutes. :)
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