I'm not sure what, exactly triggered it (okay, maybe it had something to do with reading Lolita Charm :P), but recently I've been yearning to dye my own hair that cute color. I don't know why I want it so bad; I don't think it'd be great for my complexion (I'm a teenager so naturally, I have some break outs now and then!) and I don't really have too many clothes that would match it too well (though I do have a couple of natural-coloured wigs that would fix that and an increasingly pink wardrobe...) and people keep telling me not to dye/bleach my hair since that's bad for it and what if it looks bad, because then I can't put it back?
Then I came to a shocking, yet glaringly obvious realization I've been denying until now:
I don't care.
I've been wanting to dye my hair for a while, but have been unable to due to my parents. But, now that I'm a bit older than when I started dressing "crazy," my parents seem to care infinitely less about that kind of thing (maybe they've finally gotten used to my crazy? xD). Even if other people insist that I'd look horrid in pink hair (other people being certain girls at my school, mostly constantly clad in Uggs and North Face jackets with jeans on a daily basis), I honestly think I'd look smashing, if you'll allow me a bit of narcisissm. ;P Maybe not in ALL pink hair, which I probably would look a bit weird in, but with pink streaks, or something.
So, I've decided that come March (around my birthday!) I will go to get my hair bleached blonde and have the hairdresser dye the tips of my hair pink, so I don't screw anything up! I'm waiting until March because by then my hair will be longer (it's a pretty pathetic length now and I'd like to grow it out so I can actually do hair styles beyond "simple bob" with it), and hopefully by then I'll actually have a job (though I'm not sure of my chances of that since nobody wanted me even around the holidays because I don't have any job experience ): It's a bit of a vicious circle, though- I can't get hired because I don't have job experience, but I can't get job experience because nobody will hire me. But, I digress...)
So, now I can't wait until March! Who know what'll happen until then- maybe I'll even end up changing my mind after all- but until then, I'll probably dream of pink hair every night! :)
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