Following up on Miss Victoria Suzzane's recent post in which she posted her new year's resolutions, I'd like to share some of my goals this year! Here's a short list of what I hope to accomplish in 2011. :)
1.) Improve my lolita wardrobe
Right now, my wardrobe is just bleh. I've got the basics (bloomers, petticoat, a basic white off-brand blouse, a coat, a couple of lolita-specific boots and a couple of skirts and dresses) but really, I think I could do so much better. Since I plan on dying my hair pink in March, I'd love to get a lot more pink into my wardrobe (I ALWAYS seem to buy monochrone things, for some reason!) and hopefully get my first brand dress this year. I'm looking at a velveteen navy blue dress from BabySSB right now- it's beautiful and would work beautifully as a choir dress as well if I wore it without a petticoat! :)
2.) Learn to deco
I've always loved decoden- it's such a cool way to make otherwise drab things look awesome. I've recently been reading more of Miss Violet LeBeaux's blog, and looking at all the neat things she's deco'd has really inspired me. I plan on going to NYC this year, so hopefully I'll get a chance to check out Tokyo Rebel's deco supplies!
3.) Improve my appearance
There's a lot of things to do in this section- I need to overcome my fear of stuffing things in my eyes so I can get contacts, invest in a good curler so I can curl my hair more often, improve my often-dry skin, and I admit I could stand to lose a few pounds (I'm not overweight right now, but I'm at the larger end of the spectrum of what's considered healthy for my height). To make all this happen, I'll probably have to...
4.) Get a job!
As I've mentioned before, I've been trying to get a job for the longest time, but I haven't had any luck yet. Hopefully this year the economy will get better and I'll be able to find a job nearby, even in my boring almost business-less suburb!
5.) Miscellaneous
There's a lot of things I want to do this year that don't really require an explanation- get my license, improve my grades, improve my sewing skills, do at least one play/musical, take up dancing, join another choir, and actually update my blog more often!
6.) Write a book!
I've been working on an imagery essay for English lately (well, more like getting a leg up on it- we won't get the official grading rubric until after Christmas vacation!) about a unicorn in a forest. I find it's so fun to write about the things, and just writing this three-page snippet has inspired me so much. This year, I hope to write (not necessarily publish, though that would be awesome!) a full-length novel about a unicorn in the Hercynian Forest, a European wilderness known for it's supposed population of unicorns. I'd like to books to involve a young girl, spunky and wild, and for the book to have an enviornmental message. I already have a title for this whole project too- the same title as my essay, Guardian of the Hercynian Forest! You heard it first here, folks! :)
That's all for my new years resolutions. If anybody else has any resolutions they'd like to share, please do! I always love hearing about other people's goals and, if possible, helping them out with it! :)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It snowed in my area for the first time this season yesterday! :)
I admit I was getting a little nervous for a while there, as I live in New England and my cousins from Virginia way down south were saying they were getting snow storms and we hadn't gotten ANY snow yet! I couldn't help but worry, were we going to have a green Christmas this year?
Luckily, yesterday during school, I was taking my chemistry quiz when suddenly one of the kids in my class shouted out "IT'S SNOWING!" (there always is that kid, isn't there? :P) So, I looked outside, and lo and behold, small flakes were floating down from the sky!
I was so excited about the snow! We only got a tiny amount (less than an inch! ): ) But it was enough for me for now. Besides, there's supposed to be a snow storm on Thursday (conveniently just one day after my school's concert I'm supposed to sing in! Lucky!) so hopefully that'll make at least enough snow to have a snow ball fight, because I'm super mature like that.
To keep this post from getting too personal and to relate this to lolita, I have to say winter time is my favorite time for lolita fashion. It all just seems to work so well together-- the warm coats, the layers upon layers of petticoats and bloomers that are far too hot for the summer, all with a dusty coat of snow for a backdrop... lovely!
I myself am hopefully getting my first lolita coat for Christmas this year. I had a certain pink coat with faux fur and bows on it from bodyline on my Christmas list, but even if I don't get it for Christmas I plan on buying one with any money I earn from shoveling walkways, allowance, etc. I also plan on buying some lolita boots. I know those aren't supposed to be the best things ever for snowy places like where I live, but I honestly don't romp around in the snow that much anyways, and I have specific water-proof winter boots for that. I have my eye on a lovely coffee-coloured pair from Taobao, so hopefully I can work up the money to afford my first full winter lolita outfit this season! :)
I also hope to follow Victoria Suzzanne's tip on and sew up a pair of flannel bloomers at some point. I'm definitely not a great seamstress at all, but I think I can whip up a simple pair of bloomers, especially with all the super-easy patterns I've found online. I just think having a pair of bloomers that actually fit me well and are warm and good for winter unlike my more summer-oriented, ill-fitting bodyline bloomers would be so nice. I'd like to make a pair of simple white ones, if I can find that colour of fleece. :)
So anyhow, if any of you guys are in winter yet I hope you're enjoying the season thus far! Don't freeze to death, drive safely, and happy holidays! :)
Friday, December 17, 2010

It's almost Christmas! Only eight more days! :)
Christmas is my favorite holiday, rivaled only by Valentines Day (because who doesn't love sweets and hearts and teddy bears?), but even then, Christmas is still my favorite. I've been told that my excitement is a meer product of media hype, that I'm just being manipulated by the mass market. Perhaps that is so, but if it is, I honestly don't care. I enjoy giving presents (and okay, receiving them is fun too :) ) and seeing the smile on the recipients face and knowing that I picked the right thing. I love the shiny Christmas lights set up everywhere (especially the ones in malls!), the specials on TV, the soft, classic carols on the radio, even the more religious themes like the nativity sets and the cute little cherubs that seem to pop up this time of year (and I'm not even that religious at all, even if I do celebrate Christmas!).
The one thing I don't like about Christmas is the financial stress! I don't have a job and I have a very small allowance, so around this time of year I always bug my poor parents and neighbors to see if they have any work I can do for money so I can get nice presents for everyone! But it's all worth it on Christmas day. :)
I received and gave my first present of the year today. A friend of mine and I agreed to swap gifts today, so we exchanged presents today! I got very shiny clip-in bows (what's better for winter than shiny things?), a Hello Kitty Pez, and very pretty ivory fuzzy earmuffs! I was so happy! I gave my friend a small stuffed hamster (since she has a hamster) and a pink pearl necklace that seemed like her style. She loved both presents and even said the hamster looked like her own (I didn't know what her hamster looked like so I was very excited about that!) and she had several outfits she could wear the necklace with! I was so happy she liked it and can't wait to give more gifts! :)
So, sorry about the more personal nature of this post, but Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to you all! I hope whether you're with your family, your friends, or riding solo, you all enjoy yourselves and enjoy the season! :)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Pink hair!

I'm not sure what, exactly triggered it (okay, maybe it had something to do with reading Lolita Charm :P), but recently I've been yearning to dye my own hair that cute color. I don't know why I want it so bad; I don't think it'd be great for my complexion (I'm a teenager so naturally, I have some break outs now and then!) and I don't really have too many clothes that would match it too well (though I do have a couple of natural-coloured wigs that would fix that and an increasingly pink wardrobe...) and people keep telling me not to dye/bleach my hair since that's bad for it and what if it looks bad, because then I can't put it back?
Then I came to a shocking, yet glaringly obvious realization I've been denying until now:
I don't care.
I've been wanting to dye my hair for a while, but have been unable to due to my parents. But, now that I'm a bit older than when I started dressing "crazy," my parents seem to care infinitely less about that kind of thing (maybe they've finally gotten used to my crazy? xD). Even if other people insist that I'd look horrid in pink hair (other people being certain girls at my school, mostly constantly clad in Uggs and North Face jackets with jeans on a daily basis), I honestly think I'd look smashing, if you'll allow me a bit of narcisissm. ;P Maybe not in ALL pink hair, which I probably would look a bit weird in, but with pink streaks, or something.
So, I've decided that come March (around my birthday!) I will go to get my hair bleached blonde and have the hairdresser dye the tips of my hair pink, so I don't screw anything up! I'm waiting until March because by then my hair will be longer (it's a pretty pathetic length now and I'd like to grow it out so I can actually do hair styles beyond "simple bob" with it), and hopefully by then I'll actually have a job (though I'm not sure of my chances of that since nobody wanted me even around the holidays because I don't have any job experience ): It's a bit of a vicious circle, though- I can't get hired because I don't have job experience, but I can't get job experience because nobody will hire me. But, I digress...)
So, now I can't wait until March! Who know what'll happen until then- maybe I'll even end up changing my mind after all- but until then, I'll probably dream of pink hair every night! :)
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